
Emreai.tech, yapay zeka ve bilişim alanında uzmanlaşmış bir portfolyo sitesidir. Sade ve şık tasarım.

A screenshot of a GitHub repository interface displaying a list of branches and tags. The dark-themed interface shows various directories such as .devcontainer, .github, .husky, and .vscode, each with recent commits and pull requests. The repository appears to be public with statistics like branches and tags visible at the top.
A screenshot of a GitHub repository interface displaying a list of branches and tags. The dark-themed interface shows various directories such as .devcontainer, .github, .husky, and .vscode, each with recent commits and pull requests. The repository appears to be public with statistics like branches and tags visible at the top.
A close-up of a luminous, stylized logo resembling a circular knot with a gradient blue background, prominently displayed on a screen. Behind it, the word 'OpenAI' is visible, illuminated against a dark backdrop.
A close-up of a luminous, stylized logo resembling a circular knot with a gradient blue background, prominently displayed on a screen. Behind it, the word 'OpenAI' is visible, illuminated against a dark backdrop.

Yapay Zeka

Yapay zeka projeleri üzerinde çalışarak, bilişim alanında deneyim kazandım ve GitHub üzerinde projeler geliştirdim.

Sade ve etkili tasarımlar.


Yapay Zeka Projeleri

EmreAI Tech

2021 - 2023

Yapay zeka ve bilişim projeleri geliştirdim, GitHub üzerinde paylaşımlar yaptım.

Bilişim Projeleri

EmreAI Tech

2020 - 2021

Bilişim alanında çeşitli projeler geliştirdim ve deneyimlerimi artırdım.

A web browser displaying the GitHub page for the Facebook React project. The page includes sections like pull requests, issues, and branches. There are clickable tabs for code, issues, pull requests, projects, and more. The interface shows recent commits, and file listings, and offers options such as creating new files and cloning the repository.
A web browser displaying the GitHub page for the Facebook React project. The page includes sections like pull requests, issues, and branches. There are clickable tabs for code, issues, pull requests, projects, and more. The interface shows recent commits, and file listings, and offers options such as creating new files and cloning the repository.

Yapay Zeka Hizmetleri

Yapay zeka ve bilişim alanında profesyonel hizmetler sunuyoruz. İnovatif çözümlerle yanınızdayız.

A digital illustration featuring a smartphone floating above a hexagonal platform, with gears and digital elements surrounding it. The screen displays a chatbot interface with various colored speech bubbles. The background is a solid light blue, emphasizing the technological theme. The text 'chatGPT' is displayed in 3D lettering on the right side.
A digital illustration featuring a smartphone floating above a hexagonal platform, with gears and digital elements surrounding it. The screen displays a chatbot interface with various colored speech bubbles. The background is a solid light blue, emphasizing the technological theme. The text 'chatGPT' is displayed in 3D lettering on the right side.
Bilişim Çözümleri

Bilişim alanında uzman ekibimizle projelerinizi hayata geçiriyoruz. Güçlü altyapılar sunuyoruz.

GitHub Yönetimi

GitHub projelerinizi yönetmek ve geliştirmek için profesyonel destek sağlıyoruz. İşbirliği yapalım.

Sade Tasarım

Siyah ve mavi renklerle sade tasarımlar oluşturuyoruz. Estetik ve işlevsellik bir arada.